Last week I wrote a bit about Parent-Child Dedication and promised to add some information about our process. Here's the timeline we follow, over the next few days I will add more information about some of the things referenced here. One of the most meaningful is the covenant that parents write...I'll post the template we give to parents, along with a couple of samples.
I would absolutely love to hear about how you make this event in the lives of families in your church more meaningful!
Dedication Timeline
8-10 weeks before dedication Sunday:
Publicize dedication dates in several places:
Kids communication
6-8 weeks before dedication Sunday:
Mail dedication packets to all who are interested - this may actually be done at any time.
Begin scheduling pre-dedication meetings with parents and Kid’s Directors (campus or global)
3-6 weeks before dedication Sunday:
Campus or Global Director will meet individually with parents who desire to dedicate their children.
During this meeting we will cover:
Biblical precedents for parent-child dedication
Parent’s role in their child’s spiritual growth
Spiritual Mentor’s role in the child’s life
Church’s role in the spiritual development of their child
Some hints for writing the family covenant
Details of the parent-child dedication process and service
10 days - 3 weeks before dedication Sunday:
Parents write family covenant and send copy to Kids Ministry office at least 10 days previous to dedication
Family picture settings to be available at least 2 weeks prior to dedication Sunday (prefer at least 2 time/date options)
Dedication Sunday:
30 minutes prior to service:
Private prayer of dedication with parents and family (church leaders to assist)
Certificate, framed family covenant and photo to be given to parents
10 minutes before the service:
Parents, Children and guests in Worship Area (designated seating)
During service:
Parents, child and mentors will come up on stage at end of communion
Pastor will briefly introduce each one (child’s name and parents first name, asking them to
step forward)
Pastor will talk about the purpose of the day, mostly directed at the parents
We will do vows/response from parents as a group
Will do final vow with congregation (standing) and spiritual mentors, then offer a prayer.
Will ask people to encourage the families with applause as they leave the stage, congregation will be seated