The other day I started listing some of the places I've lived (and ministered) and how I have been changed by them. That short post ended up reminding me of God's faithfulness to me and those I love.
It also reminded me that places alone don't leave the marks that make us who we are; the people who enter our lives are what do that best. And I have had the privilege of knowing my fair share of people. As I think through the people who have marked my life (and ministry) there are a couple of categories.
1. People that are still in my life, and hopefully always will be. I hope that I am as precious to them as they are to me.
2. Those whose relationships may have been short but marked me in ways that still make me feel valued, loved and make me a better person.
3. Those who left marks that were painful, but used by God to draw me closer to Himself.
Each of us could likely make a list of people who fit these categories...I'm not going to do that here. Instead, I'll write a little something each time one of these people comes to mind.
This really isn't for you...just a way for me to mark God's faithfulness in my life.
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