Friday, March 30, 2012

the Next Milestone

We're developing a new Milestone for 4-6 year olds and their parents, it will debut on July 22nd!

At Suncrest, each milestone is an attempt to connect with parents. Specifically at a time when they are already open to input with regard to their role in spiritually nurturing their children.  Milestones 1 and 3 are in place and we're seeing a great response from parents and children.

Milestone 1 is Parent-Child Dedication and includes a Covenant that parents write for their child/children.

Milestone 3 is a class called Lifebuilding - a class dedicated to helping parents lead their kids through the basics of our faith and baptism.  One of my favorite things is the Blessing that parents write for and read to their children! Love reading what parents write about how they see God at work in their child's life.

Now we're working on the middle.  Milestone 2 will be designed to give parents some tools to help them lead their child through the preschool and early elementary years.  Right now our list looks something like this:

Teaching your child to pray
Praying with your child
Helping your child see God at work in their life
Simple faith conversations

What do you think? What would you add to or take away from our list?

1 comment:

Mary said...

i will be tuned in, for sure! so grateful for your obedience, debby!