Monday, August 6, 2012

Awaken us (me)

Today is a good trouble brewing in my life. Just a sense of contentment and peace.  I think.
I think I'm content.

My husband and kids are reasonably happy.  He is better to me than I deserve.  Treats me with respect when I probably don't deserve it and responds with kindness when I treat him with less respect than he deserves. I have been blessed with more time with my children than generally expected.  I have every reason to be proud of who they are becoming.  I love them more than life! 

We have food in our refrigerator (well I should probably go grocery shopping).  Our house is plenty big enough; it's warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

I love my job.  The people I work with are among the best at what they do.  There really isn't much of anything that I would change right now.

And yet...
there is a discontent.  I hope this discontent grows out of a holy place.  That place where God is at work tilling up the soil.  Encouraging a sense of urgency, a sense that things are not as they should be...that there are people who do not know Him and His great love for them.  We spend more time than we should trying to make ourselves comfortable; surrounding ourselves with people who look, think and sound like us.  God, help us (ME) to remember that this is not our have a better place, but it isn't just for me and the people I love. 

It is for the people that You love! Help me to love like you love.  Help me to see the world that way you see.  Help me to hear the cries of children who are not mine.  Help me to be the person that you want me to be.

We are questions that beg for the answers
We are poems awaiting the rhyme
We are riddles that long for solution
With your breath we come alive

We are silenced when searching for reasons

We are weary and broken inside
We are desperate for your affection
We are darkness you are light

Awaken us, Awaken us

Stir in our hearts your truth
Awaken us, Awaken us
That we might live for you
We are ashes, we are dust
Awaken us

Lord, You whispered the dawn of creation

And your love has been on display
You have promised that you would be with us
We need you, here to day

Awaken us, Awaken us

Stir in our hearts your truth
Awaken us, Awaken us
That we might live for you
We are ashes, we are dust
Awaken us

You will lead us out of the desert

You will hold us when we are weak
Lord, we will rise up, we will rise up
To follow our Great King.

Awaken us, Awaken us

Stir in our hearts your truth
Awaken us, Awaken us
That we might live for you Oh

Awaken us, Awaken us

Stir in our hearts your truth
Awaken us, Awaken us
That we might live for you
We are ashes, we are dust

Awaken us
~ Building 429 

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