Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Review of Smack-Dab in the Middle of God's Love - A children's book

Smack-Dab in the Middle of God's Love by Brennan Manning & John Blase. Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell
Please note that I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com; http://BookSneeze®.com; book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

I love everything Brennan Manning writes. So, when the opportunity to read and review this book for children came along I thought "great!  I get to combine two loves: reaching out to kids with God's love and reading another book by Brennan Manning."

While it is a sweet book, I'm not sure who the appropriate audience is. The illustrations would be great for young children but there is too much text on each page for their attention span. Older children would appreciate the storyline but would want more detail. 

A review of Unleashed by Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin McManus has long been known as a passionate, creative and unrestrained follower of Christ.   Unleashed is dedicated to challenging us to do the same.  Erwin's greatest strength, as an author, is his ability to draw you into the story and he does this well in this short book.

When I first signed up to review this book I assumed it was a new work; upon receiving it realized that it is a re-release of The Barbarian Way. The cover art has been changed and seems intended to appeal to women. That said, I think that if you were unlikely to resonate with the original work it is also highly unlikely that you will find this any more motivating.

This work is filled with stories of his family and personal ministry experiences. Initially I found myself appreciating everything he had to say but eventually it all started to sound the same. His challenge is to just take a risk, nearly any risk will do.

I agree that the way of a Christ-follower is not intended to be insulated and safe, in scripture we see times when God definitely calls people to do the "unsafe" thing: John the Baptist is used as the example of this. There are also times when God promises to keep us uphold us with His mighty right hand, to care for us as the Shepherd cares for his sheep.

In the end, the challenge seems to be to trust God completely and to be willing to follow even when it doesn't seem safe or make sense.  A great challenge for every follower of the barbarian way. 

Please note that I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Milestone 1 - Parent-Child Dedication (our timeline)

Last week I wrote a bit about Parent-Child Dedication and promised to add some information about our process.  Here's the timeline we follow, over the next few days I will add more information about some of the things referenced here.  One of the most meaningful is the covenant that parents write...I'll post the template we give to parents, along with a couple of samples.

I would absolutely love to hear about how you make this event in the lives of families in your church more meaningful!

Dedication Timeline
8-10 weeks before dedication Sunday:
Publicize dedication dates in several places:
            Kids communication                  

6-8 weeks before dedication Sunday:
Mail dedication packets to all who are interested - this may actually be done at any time.
Begin scheduling pre-dedication meetings with parents and Kid’s Directors (campus or global)

3-6 weeks before dedication Sunday:
Campus or Global Director will meet individually with parents who desire to dedicate their children.
During this meeting we will cover:
Biblical precedents for parent-child dedication
Parent’s role in their child’s spiritual growth
Spiritual Mentor’s role in the child’s life
Church’s role in the spiritual development of their child
Some hints for writing the family covenant
Details of the parent-child dedication process and service

10 days - 3 weeks before dedication Sunday:
Parents write family covenant and send copy to Kids Ministry office at least 10 days previous to dedication
Family picture settings to be available at least 2 weeks prior to dedication Sunday (prefer at least 2 time/date options)

Dedication Sunday:
            30 minutes prior to service:
                        Private prayer of dedication with parents and family (church leaders to assist)
                        Certificate, framed family covenant and photo to be given to parents

            10 minutes before the service:
                        Parents, Children and guests in Worship Area (designated seating)

            During service:
Parents, child and mentors will come up on stage at end of communion
Pastor will briefly introduce each one (child’s name and parents first name, asking them to  
step forward)
Pastor will talk about the purpose of the day, mostly directed at the parents
We will do vows/response from parents as a group
Will do final vow with congregation (standing) and spiritual mentors, then offer a prayer.
Will ask people to encourage the families with applause as they leave the stage, congregation will be seated

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Parent/Child Dedication

Our next Parent/Child Dedication at Suncrest is on Father's Day!
One of the really terrific parts of our process is that I get to meet with each parent who wishes to dedicate their child.  I love this part of my job!

  • One of our Campus Kid's Directors and I sit down and listen to each parent's faith story. Wow! this is amazing!  We get to hear about all that God has done in the lives of these parents of little it!
  •  I get to talk about how we want to partner with them, to be the "other voice" helping their kid learn to love Jesus.  I get to tell them about how excited our leaders are to participate in this milestone in the life of their family. Love this too!
  • Every family who dedicates a child will write a covenant - a promise to their child and to God.  This serves as a tangible reminder of this day and the commitment they are making.  Can't wait to read them...we have some amazing parents who are very passionate about loving Jesus and loving their kids.  Love this one, too!

Tomorrow I get to meet with three more families and two Campus Kid's Directors...expecting a great day!

For those of you who are in kids ministry, I will be posting the details of our process later this week. Hope you find it helpful.


Friday, May 27, 2011

what am I thinking?: finished another trip around the sun

what am I thinking?: finished another trip around the sun

finished another trip around the sun

I'm not even sure how to describe the last seven days of my life.  Rather than trying to write coherently I think I'll just make a list:
  • Had a bit of a bug that put me in bed for a couple days (I'm all better). 
  • Spent some quality time with my girls (individually).
  • Got a sweet gift from my boy and am totally surprised at how old he is becoming!
  • Welcomed my little brother into our home for the summer...did I mention that he is the same age as daughter #3?
  • Had some amazing conversations with a couple of newer friends (I am SOOOO blessed)!
  • Got to talk to an old friend (love some Delia conversation)
  • Received about a billion birthday wishes on of the crazy benefits (maybe the only benefit) of 5 different kidmin positions since 2005.  I have made some amazing friends! 
  • Learned a bit about iPhone and Android Apps from a KidMin friend who is now the CEO of 
  • Reminded (again) that God is in control and loves my kids more than I ever will (ask me about it).
  • Another Tuesday full of meetings with people I respect and! Suncrest has been an amazing gift to me and my family.
I'm pretty sure that I haven't begun to scratch the surface on all that has happened during this amazing week. This is what I do know...I'm tired, excited, encouraged, challenged and determined to live through next week!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stories That Feed Your Soul

Note: I received this book for free from the Viralbloggers network. As usual, while I’m happy to review relevant material, I do so without any restriction. Enjoy!

Stories that Feed Your Soul
I’m not generally drawn to the soup for the soul type genre but with an author like Tony Campolo, who can resist? I have found myself drawn to his speaking and writing for many years and this latest offering was no disappointment. 
This book is divided into eight themes, starting with Freedom from Condemnation and ending with the Assurance We Need. Many of the stories are first-hand accounts from Tony’s own experience. While I may not always agree with the underlying theology, I found the stories very compelling and moving. 
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good story and especially for those who struggle with accepting and understanding the depth of God’s love for His creation.  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My crazy,busy life!

This season in my life and ministry has been crazy busy...ok, if you know me at all, you know that it's always crazy,busy! and that some (sick) part of me loves it.  But this is an amazing, love what God is doing, hope that it doesn't end any time soon, kind of crazy, busy.

First, there's this crazy family of mine! They are my favorite people and I'm blessed to have them around.  Our girls are in that place of life where they could be anywhere, but they choose to be with us!  I get a front row seat to seeing how God is moving in their lives...and wow, is He moving! Our son is growing up to be this amazing young man, his best friend is his dad and Aidan's favorite place is anywhere with Daniel!  This year Daniel and I will celebrate 28 years of marriage!  I love this man with all of my heart.  We are truly blessed! 

Ministry is crazy, busy too! and I love it!  I am leading the most amazing team of Kid's Ministers!  I have the privilege of meeting with this team every Tuesday morning at 8:30...kinda crazy since I hate morning! We get to talk about mobilizing leaders and helping kids fall in love with Jesus.  Then there is the team I get to be part of on Tuesday afternoons.  I am honored to be part of a team of people who live for being used by God to change lives...these Campus Pastors and Global Leaders love seeing God at work in the lives of people.  I've spent my fair share of time hanging out with church leadership types but this team is remarkable!

Loving this season of life...not always easy but God is working in and through all of it!

Friday, February 18, 2011


A few weeks ago I said I would be writing posts about people who have "marked" my life in some significant way.  Well, it has been crazy, busy and I'm sure there are even more people who have been added to the list but today I'm getting ready to see one of my dearest (was going to write oldest, but she isn't old) friends, so she is who you get to hear about this time.

Lori is kind, gentle, generous, persistent, kind, strong, beautiful, kind, creative, hardworking, and oh, did I mention kind?  You know those people that make you think differently, ask better questions and hopefully bring out the best qualities in you?  Well, Lori is one of those people in my world.  We haven't lived in the same city for more than 5 years now but she still influences the way I do ministry, forgive people when I'm hurt and helps me remember that true kindness is as valuable as being right.

I have learned to love people that I will likely never see because Lori brought them to life! She helped kids (and adults) learn about other kids that don't look like us. eat like us or play like us, but that God loves as much as He loves us. 

She is the one person who could say, "Debby, go in your office and close the door.  I will let you know when you are allowed to come out and talk to people again." By the way, this was usually after a very long day in the office when all of my "filter" was gone. 

I really could go on and on about what a terrific wife, mom, daughter, friend she is and I could tell you story after story of how we laughed until we cried but let me just say this:
If there has been a time when I have interacted with you and spoken a kind word rather than just being direct, it might have been influenced by this woman's ability to speak truth in love.

I am forever "marked" by this most amazing woman, can't wait to see her again!

Monday, January 17, 2011


she may appreciate not having her last name mentioned here but she will know who she is!
Christine has beautiful, sparkling blue eyes and a contagious smile.  I have never seen her look frazzled!  Now that doesn't mean that she would have reason to be frazzled, just that the normal mom, wife, family, work, church and school stuff never seems to dampen that amazing spirit.
She is the only person I have ever met that would show up to do something just because you put her name on your list.  She loves kids, everyone's kids...especially the ones that are hard to love! 
I will never forget this crazy lady who lives in the frozen tundra but radiates Jesus like a roaring fire.  She has changed who I am and I will always be grateful. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"marked" by people

The other day I started listing some of the places I've lived (and ministered) and how I have been changed by them.  That short post ended up reminding me of God's faithfulness to me and those I love.

It also reminded me that places alone don't leave the marks that make us who we are; the people who enter our lives are what do that best. And I have had the privilege of knowing my fair share of people.  As I think through the people who have marked my life (and ministry) there are a couple of categories.

1. People that are still in my life, and hopefully always will be. I hope that I am as precious to them as they are to me.
2. Those whose relationships may have been short but marked me in ways that still make me feel valued, loved and make me a better person.
3. Those who left marks that were painful, but used by God to draw me closer to Himself.

Each of us could likely make a list of people who fit these categories...I'm not going to do that here.  Instead, I'll write a little something each time one of these people comes to mind.

This really isn't for you...just a way for me to mark God's faithfulness in my life.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A review of Nudge by Leonard Sweet

I have been a fan of Leonard Sweet's writing for many years so I am very pleased to have the opportunity to review Nudge for the Ooze. 

The subtitle of this work, Awakening Each Other to the God Who's Already There, provides a great framework for the rest of the book. At it's heart this book is about evangelism but not the confrontational, I have all the answers type of evangelism with which we are so familiar.

Sweet's contention is that we need to be watching closely, listening intently, even tasting with more intention so that we can discern where God is already present so that we can "nudge" others in His direction.  Allowing them to experience Him as He is already active in their lives.

My recommendation is that you read this book slowly, spend time and pay attention to the way God uses it to "nudge" you toward Himself.

Friday, January 14, 2011


What kinds of things have "marked" you?  You know - those people, circumstances and places that change you.  Lately I've been thinking about the things in my life that have made an impression, have changed who I am, have marked me for the rest of my life.  Some of them feel like crazy, amazing blessings while others were excruciating at the time; but all of them can be used by God!  I'm reminded of a phrase I heard my friend Tina use when telling her story, "no wasted experiences."

Here are just some of the places (experiences) that I want to make sure are not wasted:

Grand Rapids - so many amazing things there!  people that I absolutely love with all of my heart, a church that saw qualities in me I didn't knew existed and a terrific place to raise my babies!
Southern California - learned that I'm probably never going to be a beach bunny but made a couple of friends that I hope to have forever.
Detroit - experienced some smoothing of some sharp edges - met Tina there.  I will never forget her.
Fargo - what's to say about Fargo...too much and not enough for this short blog!  I have some very funny stories to share over coffee :)
Chicago!  here now...hoping that God has us here for many, many years to come.  it has been less than a year but I will be forever marked by these people, this place and this time.  grace is abundant and people are real...God is good!

People and circumstances are for another time.